On Easter Sunday, since our church meets in the evening, we got together with Jessi and her gang and Mama for Easter brunch. Besides the fact that I LOVE breakfast food, especially right now, it was such a great time. It was really cool to see how big our kids are getting, as we all sat around a HUGE table, and watched the kids behave like little adults at their end of the table. They all looked so cute, and we had such a nice time, laughing and visiting together. You know how Jewish people say at their gatherings, "next year in Jerusalem!"? Well, I decided that we would declare in faith, "Next year at our new house!". How cool would that be!! I so love to host, and I can't wait to have the space to do it comfortably. With 10, soon to be 11, grandchildren on my side of the family, it's not really a possibility to hold Easter gathering in our little trailer, so we're believing for more space soon! So, here's a family pic from Easter Sunday. Looking at Joelle's face, you'll see that our brunch was not the only 'HAM' on Easter!!!!