I've been realizing how difficult this has been for the girls and seeing the effects in their behaviour. Lily and Joelle especially have been minding it and have been uncharacteristically wild and mouthy. It totally broke me last night, when Mom was here to watch the girls so I could help finish up stuff, and she put them to bed for me. When I finally came home about 11:45pm, Mom told me that when Lily prayed before bed, she prayed that Mama could "babysit" them soon! I nearly cried!
I'm so glad that today I will be home with them, though I'll be working by answering phones and doing bookkeeping, at least we'll be together!
Anyhow, I wanted to post some pics of the main display - Candyland. I'm rather proud of this one, since I did all the work! hehehe. Beth came up with the idea to do Candyland and I was able to design and build the whole board!
There's a couple other displays that we worked hard on too - Ang was invaluable to me this last month! But I'll have to add those pics later, as I didn't take any yet! But I'll steal the ones of Candyland off Beth's site!
Lollipop Woods

Candy Castle
Gloppy the Molasses Swamp Monster

In the process of setting up...

And the final product!!!