Just wanted to say that today is the birthday of one of my very favorite people in the whole wide world! My best friend, my chumford - Jessi! I didn't get to see her today, but heard that she had a nice date planned with her hubby, so I hope today was very special.

So, although today is supposed to be her day, I find it a very special day for me as well, because without her birthday, I wouldn't have her! ;o) She is one of the greatest people I have ever been blessed to know. She's honest, patient, creative, challenging, encouraging, supportive, wise, perceptive, gentle, strong, enthusiastic and fun! She has had a major role in shaping who I am. She's been there to laugh with me in the good times, push me in the scary times, drag me in the challenging times, cry with me in the painful times. She is my teacher, my cheering section, my business partner, my confidante, often my co-conspirator. There's been times that she had to say things I didn't want to hear, point out things I didn't want to see, teach me things I didn't want to learn - but that is a true friend. I've been doubly blessed to have her as not only my sister, but as my best friend. I hope that my daughters can build relationships like I have with Jess.
Back in the day, when she would push me around Weis' market, teasing me and threatening to stick me on the shelf with the Garbonzo beans - I couldn't have dreamed that our relationship would grow to this intensity. When she was bribing me to do her laundry for 10 cents..... When I bugged her and her boyfriends.... When she teased me about mine.... When I cried when she went on her honeymoon because I missed her.... When I missed her while I was on my own honeymoon..... The path we've walked together has not always been smooth, but we've always held each other's hands; sometimes one of us with a firmer grasp, but never letting go. I believe few people are blessed with a friend like this.
"Friendship," said Christopher Robin, "is a very comforting sort of thing to have."
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." Winnie the Pooh