12 years ago
Saturday, December 15, 2007
So, tonight, when Joelle announced again that she needed her diaper changed because she pooped, I asked, "When are you gonna stop pooping in your diaper?!" And she responded, "When I'm choo-choo trained." I guess the misunderstanding with being potty TRAINED could be hampering things... I wonder if she actually is picturing Thomas the Tank Engine???
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Well, today is officially day 1 of our openhouse poinsettia show at the greenhouse. The show originally started 20 some years ago, by Uncle Dave, just so that other people could enjoy the beauty of thousands of colorful poinsettias in one place. It truly is a magnificent sight. Now, it has grown to over 20,000 poinsettias, several displays, food, drink and live entertainment! It's a real draw for the community as well, since we started including local businesses in our wreath display. But, I wish our customers could really appreciate just how much work goes into this event! Poor Joey was up until 4am and then headed off to work again just after 6 this morning. Normally, Joe and Uncle Dave work so hard and long in the time headed up to the show, that Aunt Beth jokingly has dubbed us, "the openhouse widows". This year, I was actually able to be included in so much of the preparations in the weeks before that I got to work with Joe a lot more than usual. But that being the case, Beth said that this year my kids had to be the "openhouse orphans" since they've been without their mama so much in the last couple weeks.
I've been realizing how difficult this has been for the girls and seeing the effects in their behaviour. Lily and Joelle especially have been minding it and have been uncharacteristically wild and mouthy. It totally broke me last night, when Mom was here to watch the girls so I could help finish up stuff, and she put them to bed for me. When I finally came home about 11:45pm, Mom told me that when Lily prayed before bed, she prayed that Mama could "babysit" them soon! I nearly cried!
I'm so glad that today I will be home with them, though I'll be working by answering phones and doing bookkeeping, at least we'll be together!
Anyhow, I wanted to post some pics of the main display - Candyland. I'm rather proud of this one, since I did all the work! hehehe. Beth came up with the idea to do Candyland and I was able to design and build the whole board!
There's a couple other displays that we worked hard on too - Ang was invaluable to me this last month! But I'll have to add those pics later, as I didn't take any yet! But I'll steal the ones of Candyland off Beth's site!
Peanut Brittle House
And the final product!!!
I've been realizing how difficult this has been for the girls and seeing the effects in their behaviour. Lily and Joelle especially have been minding it and have been uncharacteristically wild and mouthy. It totally broke me last night, when Mom was here to watch the girls so I could help finish up stuff, and she put them to bed for me. When I finally came home about 11:45pm, Mom told me that when Lily prayed before bed, she prayed that Mama could "babysit" them soon! I nearly cried!
I'm so glad that today I will be home with them, though I'll be working by answering phones and doing bookkeeping, at least we'll be together!
Anyhow, I wanted to post some pics of the main display - Candyland. I'm rather proud of this one, since I did all the work! hehehe. Beth came up with the idea to do Candyland and I was able to design and build the whole board!
There's a couple other displays that we worked hard on too - Ang was invaluable to me this last month! But I'll have to add those pics later, as I didn't take any yet! But I'll steal the ones of Candyland off Beth's site!
Lollipop Woods

Candy Castle
Gloppy the Molasses Swamp Monster

In the process of setting up...

And the final product!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Look at my finger...
So, we're driving home last night, and Joelle says, "Mom, look at my finger." Well, it's dark, so I tell her I can't. She asks Anna and Joe too, who both tell her they can't see her finger, cause it's dark. So, a minute later, she giggles and says, "I put it in my mouth!". I said, "What did you put in your mouth?". "My nose buggie!". So, Joe and Anna and I are all like, "Eeewww, that's disgusting!" Joelle then says, "no, it was fresh!" I asked her, "Did you just say it was fresh?!", She says, "yeah, I just pulled it!" I suppose that's better than an old one, right?!
Oh the joys of a two year old! Gross!
Oh the joys of a two year old! Gross!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Light the night
Wednesday night (Halloween) we held a free family event at Jessi's house in Stowe, put on by the members of Koinonia House. It was a fun safe alternative activity; we had a moonbounce, carnival type games and hot dogs and popcorn, and played a Hermie movie projected on the back wall of the house. Thought it get really cold, all seemed to have a good time; we had about 30 or so neighborhood kids show up, so we called it a success.
Of course a major highlight for my kids was getting dressed up. So, Anna was Miss America, Lily was a bride, Elley was a penguin; I was a cornstalk to Eva's ear of "sweet corn", with Joey as our farmer. We didn't get a whole lot of great pics, but here's a few.

Of course a major highlight for my kids was getting dressed up. So, Anna was Miss America, Lily was a bride, Elley was a penguin; I was a cornstalk to Eva's ear of "sweet corn", with Joey as our farmer. We didn't get a whole lot of great pics, but here's a few.

Monday, October 29, 2007
Not going as planned...
So, I decided that I needed to take today to get my house somewhat in order before we spend the rest of the week working at mom's. Joe's been trying to help by throwing in several loads of laundry, but he is unable to fold it, so I've got mounds of clean, unfolded laundry piling up. So, I intended to catch up on getting it all folded and put away. And now that Lily's been sleeping without a pull-up at night, she had her first accident last night and we needed to do the sheets too! So, I started out my morning pretty foggy, cause we were up with one or another of the children nearly every hour through the night. I dove right into the big job for the day, and was interrupted by squealing. I go to find that Lily discovered a dead mouse under Anna's bed. Yuck. So we got that taken care of and I start in on the laundry again. Then Eva needs to eat. Back to work. Then Anna finishes her schoolwork and needs it checked. Back to work. Then it's time for lunch.
So, after lunch the girls decide to play Barbies in Anna and Lily's room. Anna asked to take Eva in her Bumbo in with them, and then asked me to put on some music, cause the barbies were going to have a dance party. So, I get everyone settled and head back to my room to fold yet more laundry. After a bit I hear glass shattering, so I go flying over to find that the girls decided that since the barbies were having so much fun, they would have their own dance party as well! So Anna jumped off her bed onto Lily's and smashed the globe on the ceiling light with her head! There was shards of glass all over the room, and in Anna's hair, but not one of them has a scratch! There seemed to be an invisible boundary about 4 inches from where Eva and Elley were. Anna was shaking like a leaf, but only has a slight bruise on her noggin. Praise the Lord! It could've been really ugly, but He was protecting them.
So, now that I've calmed down, and gotten everyone down for naps - I am headed back to the laundry! Yeah. Today has not gone nearly as well as I'd hoped. But on a happy note - once again I'm reminded how much I love my new washer and dryer!
So, after lunch the girls decide to play Barbies in Anna and Lily's room. Anna asked to take Eva in her Bumbo in with them, and then asked me to put on some music, cause the barbies were going to have a dance party. So, I get everyone settled and head back to my room to fold yet more laundry. After a bit I hear glass shattering, so I go flying over to find that the girls decided that since the barbies were having so much fun, they would have their own dance party as well! So Anna jumped off her bed onto Lily's and smashed the globe on the ceiling light with her head! There was shards of glass all over the room, and in Anna's hair, but not one of them has a scratch! There seemed to be an invisible boundary about 4 inches from where Eva and Elley were. Anna was shaking like a leaf, but only has a slight bruise on her noggin. Praise the Lord! It could've been really ugly, but He was protecting them.
So, now that I've calmed down, and gotten everyone down for naps - I am headed back to the laundry! Yeah. Today has not gone nearly as well as I'd hoped. But on a happy note - once again I'm reminded how much I love my new washer and dryer!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Catching up again!
I'm so so bad at keeping up with this blog. Alright, most of the time I feel like I can't keep up with anything, much less the computer, but I want to try to catch up. What had consumed a lot of my time and energy the last month was Laura's wedding, which went extremely well and everything turned out beautifully and the bride was happy, so I consider it a success! I was the "official" wedding coordinator, so I helped Laura with details before the wedding and then dealt with any issues, problems and questions on the big day. I also did the bride's hair, and Jess and I did all the flowers - bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres, and other decorations. It was absolutely exhausting, but fun. Joe and I also designed and built a chuppa (a Jewish wedding canopy), which was awesome.

The other thing that has been keeping me unusually busy is working on my mom's house. She is going to have to sell the house because it just got to be too much, both financially and emotionally, for her to handle on her own. So, in order to put it on the market, we needed to make some repairs and improvements. So, Jess and I have been plugging away at that, during the day with all 8 kids in tow, and then often Joe and Todd come in the evenings to help with the "man work" like paneling and replacing cabinets. So far, all things considered, it's going well, but I'm eager to be done, as it's been extremely draining, physically and emotionally.
As for our house - well, we're kinda on hold for now. Currently the USDA (where we're getting our mortgage) is out of money and doesn't know when they will receive their next disbursement. So, we're still continuing with the planning so we're prepared when we get the go-ahead.
I am continually praying for grace to walk through every step of every situation we find ourselves in these days. I praise the Lord for the joy that He has poured out, even when I find myself overwhelmed by all I'm dealing with.
My issues aside, I am finding myself amazed at how big and beautiful my girls are! Anna was a greeter with Kate for Laura's wedding and seeing her dressed up like that, makes me view the future with trembling! If she's this lovely at 7, what do her teenage years hold?!
The other thing that has been keeping me unusually busy is working on my mom's house. She is going to have to sell the house because it just got to be too much, both financially and emotionally, for her to handle on her own. So, in order to put it on the market, we needed to make some repairs and improvements. So, Jess and I have been plugging away at that, during the day with all 8 kids in tow, and then often Joe and Todd come in the evenings to help with the "man work" like paneling and replacing cabinets. So far, all things considered, it's going well, but I'm eager to be done, as it's been extremely draining, physically and emotionally.
As for our house - well, we're kinda on hold for now. Currently the USDA (where we're getting our mortgage) is out of money and doesn't know when they will receive their next disbursement. So, we're still continuing with the planning so we're prepared when we get the go-ahead.
I am continually praying for grace to walk through every step of every situation we find ourselves in these days. I praise the Lord for the joy that He has poured out, even when I find myself overwhelmed by all I'm dealing with.
My issues aside, I am finding myself amazed at how big and beautiful my girls are! Anna was a greeter with Kate for Laura's wedding and seeing her dressed up like that, makes me view the future with trembling! If she's this lovely at 7, what do her teenage years hold?!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I have retried that look-alike meter thing with several different pictures of Lily - even the one from the time we painted her a goatee to match Joey....and it came out that she looks more like me!!! It's so wrong!! What's the deal?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Someone else's husband...
Today was a good day. Eva slept 10 hrs straight last night - hallelujah! And then I made a big meal for a family from church who just had a baby, and made the same for my own family. I find that I really enjoy cooking, and it makes me happy and excited for dinner time, but I just hate to clean up! I'm really looking forward to having a dishwasher!
Tonight we popped in to see my cousin, Holly and her husband, David, who are up from North Carolina for a funeral. We visited for about an hour and had a nice time. When Holly started dating David, he was a perfect fit for our family from the start and we enjoy them as a couple very much. On the way home, I was saying to Joey how much I enjoy talking to them, and I think David is so cute - he's just a sweet, round little teddy bear of a guy. I hear Lily pipe up from the back, "Mom you can't say that." I asked her why and she said, "Cause he's somebody else's husbin!". I really laughed, cause it was so sweet, but I was amazed and glad that she gets that concept at 4 years old! Obviously she doesn't understand the difference between this and attraction, but it's a good basis! I also think it's so cute when she talks about things she wants to do when she grows up, but always refers to it as, "when I'm a mom", so I guess all adult women in her mind are mothers!
Tomorrow will be a busy day, office work, schoolwork and housework - oh my! Wow-ee, in bed before midnight tonight - yay me!
Tonight we popped in to see my cousin, Holly and her husband, David, who are up from North Carolina for a funeral. We visited for about an hour and had a nice time. When Holly started dating David, he was a perfect fit for our family from the start and we enjoy them as a couple very much. On the way home, I was saying to Joey how much I enjoy talking to them, and I think David is so cute - he's just a sweet, round little teddy bear of a guy. I hear Lily pipe up from the back, "Mom you can't say that." I asked her why and she said, "Cause he's somebody else's husbin!". I really laughed, cause it was so sweet, but I was amazed and glad that she gets that concept at 4 years old! Obviously she doesn't understand the difference between this and attraction, but it's a good basis! I also think it's so cute when she talks about things she wants to do when she grows up, but always refers to it as, "when I'm a mom", so I guess all adult women in her mind are mothers!
Tomorrow will be a busy day, office work, schoolwork and housework - oh my! Wow-ee, in bed before midnight tonight - yay me!
Friday, August 24, 2007
She did it!!!
I'm just soo thrilled - Eva slept 8 hrs straight last night!!!! It's a beautiful thing...
Oh, and last night's meeting went fairly well, it looks like we should have our building permit in about 2-3 weeks, so hopefully we'll still be in the house by Thanksgiving!
Praising the Lord!!
Oh, and last night's meeting went fairly well, it looks like we should have our building permit in about 2-3 weeks, so hopefully we'll still be in the house by Thanksgiving!
Praising the Lord!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
What's your pizza personality?
Cheese Pizza |
![]() Traditional and comforting. You focus on living a quality life. You're not easily impressed with novelty. Yet, you easily impress others. |
In case anyone was wondering - I've got a craving for pizza....
What does your pizza say about you?
What Your Pizza Reveals |
![]() Your appetite is pretty average. You don't go overboard - but you don't deprive yourself either. You consider pizza to be bread... very good bread. You fit in best in the Midwest part of the US. You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods. You are generous, outgoing, and considerate with your choices. You are unadventurous and boring. You should consider staying home when taking a vacation. The stereotype that best fits you is stoner. You're a little wacky in the head, even if you don't touch drugs. |
Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
I've really been torn between the hope deferred and longing fulfilled this week. This whole house adventure has been a real emotional rollercoaster. Having to pare down our plans, waiting to see if our permits and loans will go through... those are the lows. Realizing that we could be getting a brand new house, 3 times the size of the one we currently live in...there's the highs. I realize that I will continue to have the ups and downs until it's all said and done, but today, I have peace. Which is saying quite a bit, since a lot hinges on the township meeting tonight.
I've really been praying over the last week for our hopes and dreams to be protected, to not have them snatched away or damaged by the enemy. (I've been praying this for you guys too, Jess...) And I was very excited this morning to read Proverbs 23:18 "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." I felt that this was confirmation that our hopes, dreams and desires are safe in the One who gave them to us. It was nice to be at a place that I was able to encourage Joey last night when he was stressing about the whole thing. It has been a really cool opportunity though to see how God was preparing us for this journey, and putting things and people in place for just this time.
And I am continuing to pray Ephesians 3:16-21
"I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strenghten you with power through His Spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory, throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!"
I've really been torn between the hope deferred and longing fulfilled this week. This whole house adventure has been a real emotional rollercoaster. Having to pare down our plans, waiting to see if our permits and loans will go through... those are the lows. Realizing that we could be getting a brand new house, 3 times the size of the one we currently live in...there's the highs. I realize that I will continue to have the ups and downs until it's all said and done, but today, I have peace. Which is saying quite a bit, since a lot hinges on the township meeting tonight.
I've really been praying over the last week for our hopes and dreams to be protected, to not have them snatched away or damaged by the enemy. (I've been praying this for you guys too, Jess...) And I was very excited this morning to read Proverbs 23:18 "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." I felt that this was confirmation that our hopes, dreams and desires are safe in the One who gave them to us. It was nice to be at a place that I was able to encourage Joey last night when he was stressing about the whole thing. It has been a really cool opportunity though to see how God was preparing us for this journey, and putting things and people in place for just this time.
And I am continuing to pray Ephesians 3:16-21
"I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strenghten you with power through His Spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory, throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!"
Friday, August 17, 2007
I'm feeling particularly 'posty' today...
I think when I have such a crappy day like I did yesterday, it makes me appreciate the fairly good ones even more! Actually today has been quite good (if you don't count the screaming baby all through lunch at Wendy's!). Of course, when my day includes shopping with my best friend, how could it NOT be good?! And, to sweeten it even more - I shopped for school supplies! I LOVE school supplies! There is some genetic disorder that causes me to be completely addicted to most anything in an office supply department. I love fresh notebooks, calendars, new pens and pencils, folders, post-its, I even thoroughly enjoy paperclips! I do believe it's a sickness, but it's in my genes apparently, because both of my sisters and mom and Aunt Kay and possibly more of the Dalling women, all have the same affliction! I am quite proud to say though, that the only item I got for myself was a pocket planner - which I desperately needed! And colored pencils, because, well, I love colored pencils and they were only 78 cents, and I felt I restrained myself in only getting the box of 12.... now I want to go color...
Oh - and thanks to those of you who read my post yesterday and sympathized and supported me! Things are looking up, and I'll be sure to update on the house, once we really know what's going on...
Oh - and thanks to those of you who read my post yesterday and sympathized and supported me! Things are looking up, and I'll be sure to update on the house, once we really know what's going on...
What color crayon are you?
hahahahahaha! I don't know about this one - since when would anyone describe me as graceful?! I don't even really like purple!
You Are a Purple Crayon |
![]() Your world is colored in dreamy, divine, and classy colors. You hold yourself to a sky high standard, and you are always graceful. People envy, idolize, and copy you without realizing it. You are an icon for those who know you. And while it is hard to be a perfectionist, rest assured it's paying off! Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you. |
Thanks Jess!
Jess posted these fun 'quiz' things, so I stole them... I think they're surprisingly accurate - especially the one that says I'm perfect!! lol Whaddyathink?
Birth order
You Are Likely a Third Born |
![]() At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable. At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things. When you love someone, you tend to like to please them. In friendship, you are loyal to one person. Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer. You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration. |
what dessert are you?
You Are Cheesecake |
![]() Rich, sweet, and simply perfect. You're not boring - you're just the best! |
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bad day
Today is not a good day...
Company coming tonight; house is a wreck; kids have bad attitudes; baby doesn't want to nap; haven't showered in 2 days; sink full of dishes; house plans need to be reworked cause it doesn't fit our budget; can't afford new furniture; think I'm getting sick....
Company coming tonight; house is a wreck; kids have bad attitudes; baby doesn't want to nap; haven't showered in 2 days; sink full of dishes; house plans need to be reworked cause it doesn't fit our budget; can't afford new furniture; think I'm getting sick....
Friday, August 10, 2007
Well, first of all it is a wonderful day! Amazing how different your outlook on life can be when you get a good night's sleep! Eva slept from midnight to 7:30am! Then she was up for a clean diaper and a BIG breakfast (hee hee) and then went back down at 8am and she's just now up and it's 11am! Beautiful.
So, mom was here last night and we were looking through the girl's baby books and talking about stuff we don't want to forget....
Like how Joelle says 'kiss' - which sounds like "piss"; even if we say, "k, k, k, kiss", she'll say "k, k, k, Piss!" I think it's hilarious...
When Anna was little she used to like "Farmer John cheese" on her spaghetti, while most people call it Parmesan! Love that...
I love that Elle calls Joe's dad "Paw-paw", and her sister is "Babe-Eba"
But now that Babe-eba is ready to catch up on the missed feedings from last night, so I gotta go...
So, mom was here last night and we were looking through the girl's baby books and talking about stuff we don't want to forget....
Like how Joelle says 'kiss' - which sounds like "piss"; even if we say, "k, k, k, kiss", she'll say "k, k, k, Piss!" I think it's hilarious...
When Anna was little she used to like "Farmer John cheese" on her spaghetti, while most people call it Parmesan! Love that...
I love that Elle calls Joe's dad "Paw-paw", and her sister is "Babe-Eba"
But now that Babe-eba is ready to catch up on the missed feedings from last night, so I gotta go...
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Well, we got our letter in the mail today informing us that we have been approved for the loan to build our house!!! **Doing a happy dance, shouting, singing and crying!!** I stopped at the mailbox on my way home, saw who the envelope was from and immediately opened the seal, then stopped and left it lay on my lap as I drove the rest of the way home, praying fervently. When I parked, I finally pulled out the letter and as soon as I saw the amount, I burst into tears! After we submitted all our paperwork a couple of weeks ago, Joey and I have been really praying that we would get the right amount approved. One day when I was praying by myself, I had a certain number pop into my head that was significantly higher than any numbers we had been quoted. I was kinda like, "ok, God, that seems a bit unrealistic, but I'll pray for that number", but lacking in faith, I didn't share that number with anyone, not even Joey. Today, when the letter came, it announced that we actually approved for $300 MORE than that number!!! What confirmation! "My God shall supply all our needs, according to HIS riches"!!!! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!!! If all goes smoothly, we'll be moving in the beginning of November and we will truly have a special Thanksgiving celebration this year!!
*A bittersweet aspect to our news: Daddy had so been looking forward to us building and wanted to help dig our basement when the time came, he would've been so excited over our news - I really miss him. But, EVEN SO, I will praise...
*A bittersweet aspect to our news: Daddy had so been looking forward to us building and wanted to help dig our basement when the time came, he would've been so excited over our news - I really miss him. But, EVEN SO, I will praise...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Um, I just wanted to add a new post to see what's up, cause my new ones from this morning aren't showing up....
Hebron House
I thought I'd do a separate post about what we like to call 'Hebron House'.
For years we've been praying about not only getting a house for more living space, but a house that would be able to be used for ministry. I've often struggled with my role in ministry, because I'm just not an 'evangelist' type of person, not someone who likes to hit the streets witnessing to people, really I struggle with meeting new people. And I've never felt like a teacher type person either. So, where do I fit? Over the last several years, the Lord has been making it more clear to me that He has given me certain gifts that can be used in a different sort of ministry. About 2 years ago, I was really feeling 'un-used' and asking the Lord where I belong, and He gave me a 'vision' of warriors on a battlefield. I said, "Lord, I'm not a warrior." And then He showed me the warriors coming back to the camp injured, and the nurses ministering to them. I really felt like He was showing me that that was my place - tending to the warriors. As I've shared this with Joe, we've really felt that our home is supposed to be a place for this kind of ministry. So, although our current home is rather small, we were trying to be "faithful in the little" by opening our home for small group, and other get-togethers to build relationships with many people. And so we began to pray for a larger house to make such gatherings a bit more comfortable (and less stressful!).
Then, as a leadership conference, we were praying more about our house and the Lord dropped 'Hebron' into our head. We researched Hebron a bit more and found that Hebron was a place of rest, a place of gathering and community, and it was given to the tribe of Judah (worshippers) as an inheritance. That's exactly what we desire our home to be! So, we intend to name our home 'Hebron House', dedicating it as a place for gathering, community, relationship, worship and rest.
So, though our new house will be significantly larger, it is not just with the intent of expanded living space, but for expanding our ministry opportunities as well. My dream is to one day have a 'luxurious' retreat that we could open to traveling missionaries, or other ministers in need of rest. My love of entertaining/hostessing is not just a fun hobby, but I believe a gift that is God-ordained for this purpose. And so this is our prayer for our home - Hebron House!
For years we've been praying about not only getting a house for more living space, but a house that would be able to be used for ministry. I've often struggled with my role in ministry, because I'm just not an 'evangelist' type of person, not someone who likes to hit the streets witnessing to people, really I struggle with meeting new people. And I've never felt like a teacher type person either. So, where do I fit? Over the last several years, the Lord has been making it more clear to me that He has given me certain gifts that can be used in a different sort of ministry. About 2 years ago, I was really feeling 'un-used' and asking the Lord where I belong, and He gave me a 'vision' of warriors on a battlefield. I said, "Lord, I'm not a warrior." And then He showed me the warriors coming back to the camp injured, and the nurses ministering to them. I really felt like He was showing me that that was my place - tending to the warriors. As I've shared this with Joe, we've really felt that our home is supposed to be a place for this kind of ministry. So, although our current home is rather small, we were trying to be "faithful in the little" by opening our home for small group, and other get-togethers to build relationships with many people. And so we began to pray for a larger house to make such gatherings a bit more comfortable (and less stressful!).
Then, as a leadership conference, we were praying more about our house and the Lord dropped 'Hebron' into our head. We researched Hebron a bit more and found that Hebron was a place of rest, a place of gathering and community, and it was given to the tribe of Judah (worshippers) as an inheritance. That's exactly what we desire our home to be! So, we intend to name our home 'Hebron House', dedicating it as a place for gathering, community, relationship, worship and rest.
So, though our new house will be significantly larger, it is not just with the intent of expanded living space, but for expanding our ministry opportunities as well. My dream is to one day have a 'luxurious' retreat that we could open to traveling missionaries, or other ministers in need of rest. My love of entertaining/hostessing is not just a fun hobby, but I believe a gift that is God-ordained for this purpose. And so this is our prayer for our home - Hebron House!
Fun House Stuff
Well, we went to meet with our builder last night and I got to pick out a bunch of stuff for our house!! It was a ton of fun. We had to make some changes to our first set of house plans too, which was exciting as well - like adding a double front door which is something I've always dreamed about. But we've dreamed about this house for so long and looked at other houses and made plans, that it made our choices very easy. The guy was shocked how quickly I made my choices, but I've been 'shopping' for this house for 8 years! So in less than 5 minutes, I had picked out my siding, shingles, shutters, bathroom vanities, flooring, carpet and kitchen countertop! Now we have to go to Lowes or Home Depot (which I LOVE!) and pick out our appliances and figure out our kitchen cabinet layout. I'm really excited about how our kitchen will be. Besides being bigger than I ever imagined, we found that the space allows us to have something called a 'hearth' cook area, which I think looks so farmy! Here's a pic of the one we looked at out there, but it doesn't do it justice and our cabinets will be different, but it's an idea.
Oh, and they said that if things keep moving along and our loan comes through ok, we could be looking at a 'delivery date' around the middle of October, which would give Joey a couple weeks to finish things up and we could move in around the beginning of November! I could have Christmas at my house this year- yeah!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Catching up...
Okay, it's been months since I've posted and I feel terrible about it, but life kinda happened.... So, I'll do a quick overview and catch up.
Eva Jane Glick was born June 5th at 5:37 pm after a truly blessed delivery. My water broke that morning around 7, but labor didn't really pick up until around 2, so we opted to move things along with Pitocin and an epidural. We had some problems getting the epidural to work, but once it did, all was smooth sailing, and I only had to push for 2 minutes! I was shocked but relieved and excited to have another girl! She is absolutely gorgeous and loved immensely, especially by her big sisters. So, for the last 7 weeks, our days and nights have been filled with nursing, changing some incredible diapers (thus her nickname "Princess Poopy-Pants"), and in general just enjoying our new family member. She is a happy baby, and as the prophecy spoken over her said, "a joy to take care of".
The other big and exciting event that I want to share about is that it seems our dream of a new house is becoming reality!!! Praise the Lord! Our 'little house in the valley' has served us well over the last 8+ years, but we are now busting at the seams. We are currently in the process of finalizing our house plans and waiting for our loan to come through. We are praying fervently for the right amount for our mortgage so we can build the house we really need. I think I'll do a whole other post on our vision for our future home - 'Hebron House'. But it looks like even this afternoon we will be meeting with the builders to pick out colors, siding, carpet, door knobs etc... so exciting! Prayers are appreciated as we wait for the go-ahead from our lender.
Well, I guess that covers the big stuff... and since I'm trying to type one-handed while nursing, I'll quit this post, and hopefully will get back on track with my blog now.
Eva Jane Glick was born June 5th at 5:37 pm after a truly blessed delivery. My water broke that morning around 7, but labor didn't really pick up until around 2, so we opted to move things along with Pitocin and an epidural. We had some problems getting the epidural to work, but once it did, all was smooth sailing, and I only had to push for 2 minutes! I was shocked but relieved and excited to have another girl! She is absolutely gorgeous and loved immensely, especially by her big sisters. So, for the last 7 weeks, our days and nights have been filled with nursing, changing some incredible diapers (thus her nickname "Princess Poopy-Pants"), and in general just enjoying our new family member. She is a happy baby, and as the prophecy spoken over her said, "a joy to take care of".

The other big and exciting event that I want to share about is that it seems our dream of a new house is becoming reality!!! Praise the Lord! Our 'little house in the valley' has served us well over the last 8+ years, but we are now busting at the seams. We are currently in the process of finalizing our house plans and waiting for our loan to come through. We are praying fervently for the right amount for our mortgage so we can build the house we really need. I think I'll do a whole other post on our vision for our future home - 'Hebron House'. But it looks like even this afternoon we will be meeting with the builders to pick out colors, siding, carpet, door knobs etc... so exciting! Prayers are appreciated as we wait for the go-ahead from our lender.
Well, I guess that covers the big stuff... and since I'm trying to type one-handed while nursing, I'll quit this post, and hopefully will get back on track with my blog now.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Mmmm, baby smell
So, since it's now May, I'm officially able to say that I'm due NEXT MONTH! Which is exciting and nervewracking all at the same time. As anxious as I am to meet this little person who has grown under my heart for the last 8 months, it's a bit frightening to think about adding another child to this crazy mix I call my home! So far, this child's needs are pretty easy to tend to, and rather enjoyable to me really ~ when else can you eat like crazy and gain a ton of weight and people tell you how great you look?!
But now that we're truly down to the home stretch, I decided to finally get a move on some final preparations. It was fun and exciting to think about labor and to write up our contact list for who to call when baby arrives! And one of my favorite parts of preparation... baby laundry! I love pulling out the teeny tiny onesies and sleepers and gowns, washing them in that distinct Dreft detergent and smelling that wonderful baby smell as I fold all those little clothes. Just burying my face in a fresh sleeper makes me feel so excited and maternal! So, now I've got stacks of clean and folded baby clothes waiting to be put away..... which unfortunately is going to have to wait until after I get myself to the chiropractor and fix the problem that is rendering me unable to bend, sit or walk! So, now I just recline in the midst of all the baby smell and try to just enjoy it and ignore the rest of my mess.... One thing at a time!
But now that we're truly down to the home stretch, I decided to finally get a move on some final preparations. It was fun and exciting to think about labor and to write up our contact list for who to call when baby arrives! And one of my favorite parts of preparation... baby laundry! I love pulling out the teeny tiny onesies and sleepers and gowns, washing them in that distinct Dreft detergent and smelling that wonderful baby smell as I fold all those little clothes. Just burying my face in a fresh sleeper makes me feel so excited and maternal! So, now I've got stacks of clean and folded baby clothes waiting to be put away..... which unfortunately is going to have to wait until after I get myself to the chiropractor and fix the problem that is rendering me unable to bend, sit or walk! So, now I just recline in the midst of all the baby smell and try to just enjoy it and ignore the rest of my mess.... One thing at a time!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter Sunday
On Easter Sunday, since our church meets in the evening, we got together with Jessi and her gang and Mama for Easter brunch. Besides the fact that I LOVE breakfast food, especially right now, it was such a great time. It was really cool to see how big our kids are getting, as we all sat around a HUGE table, and watched the kids behave like little adults at their end of the table. They all looked so cute, and we had such a nice time, laughing and visiting together. You know how Jewish people say at their gatherings, "next year in Jerusalem!"? Well, I decided that we would declare in faith, "Next year at our new house!". How cool would that be!! I so love to host, and I can't wait to have the space to do it comfortably. With 10, soon to be 11, grandchildren on my side of the family, it's not really a possibility to hold Easter gathering in our little trailer, so we're believing for more space soon! So, here's a family pic from Easter Sunday. Looking at Joelle's face, you'll see that our brunch was not the only 'HAM' on Easter!!!!

I haven't posted in a while, well, basically cause I feel like I've kinda been at a standstill. I feel like I'm just plodding through most of my days, accomplishing nothing of importance. But, besides that....
We had a good Easter, and I thought I'd share.
Saturday before Easter, we had our family gathering with Joe's family. We decided to let the girls wear their Easter "finery"; so Saturday morning was a fun time getting the girls all ready. Ahh, the joy of a house full of females! All the girls got bathed, had their hair set on curlers and had their fingers and toes painted.
Saturday before Easter, we had our family gathering with Joe's family. We decided to let the girls wear their Easter "finery"; so Saturday morning was a fun time getting the girls all ready. Ahh, the joy of a house full of females! All the girls got bathed, had their hair set on curlers and had their fingers and toes painted.

Monday, March 26, 2007
She's so clever!
I really enjoy Anna at this age. The thought processes of a six (almost 7) year old are impressive and often lead to amazing conversations and conclusions. I'm often floored just realizing how smart she is! And usually she uses her intelligence for good....
But I was in the kitchen doing dishes while the girls happily played 'Simon says' in the living room. They were doing a good, if not repetitive job, even taking turns. I'm listening to the typical, "Stand on one foot", "Pat your tummy", "Rub your head" -type of instructions. Then, I hear Anna say, "Simon says jump up!" Followed by, "Hahaha, I win, Simon didn't say to come down!". I was shocked! As soon as I turned around and gave her a look, she giggled and allowed her sisters to continue the game. As much as I didn't want her to manipulate the game to her advantage that way with her little sisters, I had to admit that I was proud of her thinking! I just couldn't get over how clever that was! Still, just thinking about it makes me chuckle....
But I was in the kitchen doing dishes while the girls happily played 'Simon says' in the living room. They were doing a good, if not repetitive job, even taking turns. I'm listening to the typical, "Stand on one foot", "Pat your tummy", "Rub your head" -type of instructions. Then, I hear Anna say, "Simon says jump up!" Followed by, "Hahaha, I win, Simon didn't say to come down!". I was shocked! As soon as I turned around and gave her a look, she giggled and allowed her sisters to continue the game. As much as I didn't want her to manipulate the game to her advantage that way with her little sisters, I had to admit that I was proud of her thinking! I just couldn't get over how clever that was! Still, just thinking about it makes me chuckle....
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Day 2 Nesting
Ahhh, the complete exhaustion and satisfaction of a full day of cleaning! God has totally blessed me with an energy burst this week. Today I tackled the bathroom. I did some serious purging and it felt fantastic. I don't think my bathroom has been this clean since I moved in! I literally scrubbed it top to bottom; we're talking, I even washed the washer! The only thing not done is behind the dryer, for the obvious reason that I'm pregnant and couldn't move it - don't think I didn't contemplate it though! The girls even helped tonight, by helping to scrub the floor. And then I tossed them into the tub for baths and they even wiped down the shower walls while they were in there. But the two funny spots of my day....
Anna came in to the bathroom several times to encourage my efforts and once, she asked why I was cleaning like crazy all of a sudden. I explained that it's called 'nesting', like when a mama bird is getting ready to lay her eggs. Later, when I was almost done my cleaning, she came in again to complement me, saying "Look what a great nest your making, Mom!".
Later, when we had the girls in the tub, Joelle was already done and out (which doesn't take long, since she is NOT a fan of the bath). Lily and Anna were showing how long they could hold their breath, by putting their faces underwater. When Anna went to do it once, Lily decided to push her head down under. We of course stopped her quickly, but Anna came up laughing, "Lily baptized me!".
Days like today give me such joy as a mom, and as a wife, in general just as a person. My poor pregnant body is complaining loudly, but the satisfaction I feel as I get ready to take a bath myself in my nice, clean, organized bathroom is so wonderful!
And in case anyone is reading this (like Mom) and are worried that I'm overdoing it, rest assured that tomorrow I'm taking a break!
Anna came in to the bathroom several times to encourage my efforts and once, she asked why I was cleaning like crazy all of a sudden. I explained that it's called 'nesting', like when a mama bird is getting ready to lay her eggs. Later, when I was almost done my cleaning, she came in again to complement me, saying "Look what a great nest your making, Mom!".
Later, when we had the girls in the tub, Joelle was already done and out (which doesn't take long, since she is NOT a fan of the bath). Lily and Anna were showing how long they could hold their breath, by putting their faces underwater. When Anna went to do it once, Lily decided to push her head down under. We of course stopped her quickly, but Anna came up laughing, "Lily baptized me!".
Days like today give me such joy as a mom, and as a wife, in general just as a person. My poor pregnant body is complaining loudly, but the satisfaction I feel as I get ready to take a bath myself in my nice, clean, organized bathroom is so wonderful!
And in case anyone is reading this (like Mom) and are worried that I'm overdoing it, rest assured that tomorrow I'm taking a break!
Monday, March 19, 2007
A good day!
It was a good day! I had a better night's sleep last night than I have in quite a while, and I woke up this morning feeling very energetic! I actually got the kids dressed right away, which caused them to ask where we were going - tells you how most of our days go.... And then we started cleaning! By lunchtime, I had the living room and kitchen at least tidied and I had cleaned out one cabinet and on top of our "catch-all" by the front door. After lunch I tackled our "office"; which is the bar but is the general collecting area for papers, random pens, coloring books; well you name it! I got it so organized - it's never been so clear! I was really on a roll! I finally took down the last of my "winter" decorations and decided to move some other wall decorations around. And then I got some sense knocked into me..... I was trying to reach something behind the couch and apparently pulled the cord to the surround sound speaker, so it came crashing down on my head. The girls were playing in their room, and came out to find me bawling on the couch holding my head. Anna asked, "Do you want me to call Daddy?"; Lily said, "Do you want Daddy?"; I said no. Lily then said, "Do you want us?"; which made me cry more (remember I'm pregnant and emotional) and I nodded. They all piled on me on the couch and Lily offered to pray for me. "I'll pray first Anna and then you pray first after me...." Elle just rubbed my arm, saying "Mommy ok?" Once the praying was done, Anna got me a baggy of ice. What good girls I have!!!!
Fortunately this was not enough to ruin my day, tho it did effectively put an end to my afternoon of nesting. The girls all went down without complaint for naps - all of them - and all were sleeping within minutes. I layed down and watched a movie and got rid of my headache!
A bit of a side note - Lily has been a totally different kid this week, really since we had her prayed for on Wednesday and her ears were healed (and possibly her tonsils as well). But she has been eating well, sleeping well, staying in her bed most nights, and even snoring less, and just in general been more pleasant! Praise the Lord!
Joe came home in a great mood as well, which he generally is particularly lovey toward me when I have a successful cleaning experience (uhh, acts of service love language maybe?!) So, we took the girls to Super Walmart to do some grocery shopping and whatnot. They all, especially Anna were in need of a few new clothes. Poor Anna has grown so much lately that she pops her buttons open on her pants regularly and her tummy and wrists stick out of her shirts! I bravely took all three girls into a changing room, with 6 items each, and it went suprisingly well. Daddy had to be an appreciative audience for their fashion showings and we ended up with 2 or 3 items each coming home. There were no meltdowns, no tears, no flailing or screaming - and the girls did amazingly well too! I am now totally exhausted, but I count today as an extreme success. Not even the fact that I forgot it was the season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars' could dampen my feeling of satisfaction today! It was a good day!
Fortunately this was not enough to ruin my day, tho it did effectively put an end to my afternoon of nesting. The girls all went down without complaint for naps - all of them - and all were sleeping within minutes. I layed down and watched a movie and got rid of my headache!
A bit of a side note - Lily has been a totally different kid this week, really since we had her prayed for on Wednesday and her ears were healed (and possibly her tonsils as well). But she has been eating well, sleeping well, staying in her bed most nights, and even snoring less, and just in general been more pleasant! Praise the Lord!
Joe came home in a great mood as well, which he generally is particularly lovey toward me when I have a successful cleaning experience (uhh, acts of service love language maybe?!) So, we took the girls to Super Walmart to do some grocery shopping and whatnot. They all, especially Anna were in need of a few new clothes. Poor Anna has grown so much lately that she pops her buttons open on her pants regularly and her tummy and wrists stick out of her shirts! I bravely took all three girls into a changing room, with 6 items each, and it went suprisingly well. Daddy had to be an appreciative audience for their fashion showings and we ended up with 2 or 3 items each coming home. There were no meltdowns, no tears, no flailing or screaming - and the girls did amazingly well too! I am now totally exhausted, but I count today as an extreme success. Not even the fact that I forgot it was the season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars' could dampen my feeling of satisfaction today! It was a good day!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
What is it about fevers that make me so fearful? Puking, coughing, sneezing, whatever - no problem; but I don't like messing with fevers! There is nothing I hate worse than putting my babies to bed when they have a fever. The other night Joelle spiked a fever during the day, which we fought with Motrin. But it's a different story at bedtime for me. Her temp was like 103, and we gave her more medicine, but I didn't want to put her to bed until her temp came down. Her sisters prayed for her before they went to bed, and I was just going to rock Joelle for a bit till she was cooler. But she just cried and said she wanted her big girl bed. A while after we tucked her in, I walked by her room and peeked in, and saw she was still awake. So, I went in and covered her up again and was just rubbing her back and she kicked me out! She told me, "Out mommy". Oh - break my heart! Apparently she is unlike her sisters, who just want to be held when they're sick, well, and me for that matter! It's hard for me to comprehend that she just wanted to be left alone! Anyway, after about an hour, she finally fell asleep - snoring like crazy. Joey checked on her when he went out to the fire, and she was finally cool, so I was finally able to rest. I think I must be projecting my need to be comforted and cared for when I'm not feeling well, onto my children! Well, every kid is different - I guess this one's independant like her daddy! Won't it be interesting to see what #4 is like?!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Poor planning
I feel like the crappiest mother right now. Back at Christmas time, since I was on bedrest, we gave Anna a gift certificate for Build a Bear Workshop with a promise that once I was back on my feet, we'd have a special day. Well, we decided that today was gonna be that special day. So, all day, the plan was for her and I to go out for dinner, to Build a Bear, and then do some shopping. She repeatedly told me how this was going to be the "best day". Then her day got even better (by the scale of a six year old) when she lost another tooth! Does life get any better? Well, we got all ready for our night out, did our hair, I even let her wear a little makeup. She decided she wanted to go to Friendlys for supper, which we enjoyed leisurely with no little sisters along. Then we headed over to the mall. We found a mall directory, since we've never been to Build a Bear, we were just told that there was one in Berkshire mall. To my horror, we discovered that there is no Build a Bear Workshop in Berkshire mall, the closest one is in King of Prussia! There is a dinky, knock off, stuffed animal shop there called Planet Teddy. I was devastated to have to tell her that we were going to have to put it off yet again. But bless her heart, she visibly fought back her disappointment, and cheered herself up with, "that means we get to have two special dates!" What a treasure she is! And we did end up having a really great time together. But it definitely was a hit on my self esteem as a mother. So, now I need to get another "best day" put on the calendar!
What am I doing?
I thought it would be fun to start a blog. Jess did it and it looks so nice and easy. Apparently I am not as computer savvy. So, I guess at least for now, my page will be bland and unexciting visually, which goes against everything that I am; but I will be content with its simplicity.
I just thought that this would be a nice activity for me, since I've been spending a lot more time on the computer over the last several months. Occasionally, I have astounding philosophical thoughts and no one to share them with! Alright, admittedly those thoughts are few and far between, but it does happen. And more often, I find something that the kids say or do to be precious, or funny or inspiring, and want to remember it.
But, it's so easy for me to get caught up in the every day; picking up toys, washing dishes, doing laundry, overseeing schoolwork, cooking, and in general just keeping the peace. Sometimes, I need to remember that though being "mom" is my dream job and incredibly important; I was somebody before that - and she's still in there somewhere.... How easily minimized are my other roles, when the role and responsibilities of "mom" are so large and immediate. I do have thoughts and feelings; regarding my family, my friends, my job, my life, my frustrations, fears, joys, dreams, my walk with the Lord, my growth, my struggles.
And these are what I intend to share here, in a fairly "safe" atmosphere, where anyone can read it, yet I don't have to know about it if they don't want to mention it! I hope it will be a place where I can keep track of milestones, both physical, like my children's accomplishments; and personal milestones. So, we'll see how this goes!
I just thought that this would be a nice activity for me, since I've been spending a lot more time on the computer over the last several months. Occasionally, I have astounding philosophical thoughts and no one to share them with! Alright, admittedly those thoughts are few and far between, but it does happen. And more often, I find something that the kids say or do to be precious, or funny or inspiring, and want to remember it.
But, it's so easy for me to get caught up in the every day; picking up toys, washing dishes, doing laundry, overseeing schoolwork, cooking, and in general just keeping the peace. Sometimes, I need to remember that though being "mom" is my dream job and incredibly important; I was somebody before that - and she's still in there somewhere.... How easily minimized are my other roles, when the role and responsibilities of "mom" are so large and immediate. I do have thoughts and feelings; regarding my family, my friends, my job, my life, my frustrations, fears, joys, dreams, my walk with the Lord, my growth, my struggles.
And these are what I intend to share here, in a fairly "safe" atmosphere, where anyone can read it, yet I don't have to know about it if they don't want to mention it! I hope it will be a place where I can keep track of milestones, both physical, like my children's accomplishments; and personal milestones. So, we'll see how this goes!
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